eRIA Logo

The eRIA-COI module is where Dean of the Faculty appointees and investigators can:

  • Submit Annual COI Disclosures Online
    Report external financial interests, commitments, and activities in compliance with Princeton's COI policies.
  • Update Disclosures as Needed
    Report new financial interests within 30 days, with no need to delete prior disclosures unless they are no longer active.

Note: RIA will notify ODOF appointees or Investigators if additional actions are needed after submitting disclosures.

Contact Information

Access eRIA here.

REMINDER: GlobalProtect VPN Application is required to access from off-campus locations and when not using a Princeton University licensed device.

Need Assistance

For questions or further support, email [email protected]. To schedule a personalized eRIA-COI training session, please call (609) 258-9536 or email [email protected].