What is disclosure?
Disclosure is the required process by which you systematically provide the University information about your outside activities, relationships or financial interests (“outside activities”).
Why disclose?
The University has developed a disclosure process to meet multiple federal and institutional requirements, as well as to reduce your administrative burden.
Full disclosure is essential for:
- Monitoring and managing potential research conflicts of interest to avoid bias/harm and to protect your and the University’s reputation
- Complying with research sponsor requirements (e.g., research conflicts of commitment) to maintain the University’s ability to apply for and receive federal research funding, and
- Meeting institutional and academic standards to avoid general conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment through the Dean of the Faculty’s policies and review process.
When do I disclose?
- Annually (usually January-March disclosure period), and
- If your significant financial interests change throughout the year, within 30 days of that change, and
- Within 30 days of the last day of reimbursed/sponsored travel if you are a PHS/NIH or DOE investigator.
Who must disclose?
- All Dean of the Faculty Appointees (faculty, academic professionals and librarians)
- All senior/key personnel on sponsored awards or gifts through Princeton, and
- All PIs conducting human subject research regardless of funding.
Where do I disclose?
Click here to access disclosure portal.
Email [email protected] for additional information about the disclosure process.