The Conflict of Interest in Research (COIR) Panel was established as a committee reporting to the Dean for Research. The Panel is charged with: 1) receiving and analyzing disclosure material 2) proposing to the investigator suitable adjustments in project arrangements when these are deemed necessary to remove or mitigate conflict of interest; and 3) developing policy recommendations on conflict of interest in research for consideration by the URB or other appropriate University bodies.
Where external sponsorship of research is involved, there can be extra sensitivities concerning the potential for conflict of interest and, especially in the case of government sponsorship conformity with agency regulations. For these reasons, the Panel periodically takes the initiative in actively soliciting disclosure statements from investigators involved in sponsored research.
COIR Panel Charge
You may view the entire Conflict of Interest in Research Panel Charge
Panel Roster
- Peter Schiffer, Chair
- Zemer Gitai
- Rodney Priestley, ex officio
- Andrea Goldsmith, ex officio
- Gene Jarrett, ex officio
- John Ritter, ex officio
- Ramona Romero, ex officio
- Jacob Shapiro
- Naveen Verma