Princeton follows multiple federal/sponsor requirements and University policies that govern the required disclosure of outside activities, relationships or financial interests (“outside activities”) and management of conflicts of interest (COI).
A COI occurs when an individual’s or their immediate family member’s outside activities have the potential to:
- Compromise a faculty or investigator’s judgment;
- Bias the nature or direction of scholarly research;
- Influence the faculty or investigator’s behavior with regard to their institutional responsibilities; or
- Result in a personal or family member’s gain or advancement at the expense of the University.
The University’s Research COI Program specifically focuses on identifying and managing COIs that arise when an individual’s outside activities overlap with both their Princeton responsibilities and their Princeton research.
The following University entities are also involved in the oversight and management of research and non-research conflicts of interest:
- Conflict of Interest in Research Panel
- Office of Research and Project Administration
- Dean of the Faculty
- Research Security
Use the left-hand menu to access further information about disclosure process, training and regulatory requirements.
Email [email protected] for additional information.
Frequently Used Services
The Conflict of Interest (COI) in Research Panel (Panel) promotes integrity in research by reviewing, identifying and managing disclosed COI(s).
Conflict of Interest Required Training
Disclosure is the required process by which you systematically provide the University information about your outside activities, relationships or financial interests (“outside activities”).
Princeton COI Research Policies and Procedures